Wednesday, June 25, 2008

World of Warcraft | Is it safe to bot again?

*September Update*
Since mmoglider has been offline for a few months now (with little chance of its return), I have been getting asked if there are any bot alternatives out there. The answer is not really. The other bots I have tested have maybe a fraction of the abilities of mmo glider, and none are nearly as user friendly. My advice if you want to start a new character is to create a second account using Blizzards 'Recruit-a-Friend' (RAF) system, grab Joana's guide and level 2 new characters at a time with RAF's triple experience. You'll get to 60 much faster then if you used a bot. After that, well, we're all still working on it.

So after last months huge World of Warcraft botting banwave the question is starting to pop up; is it safe to starting botting on World of Warcraft again? My answer would be; it's been safe since the day after Merc got Glider back running after the last ban. Why is that?
I think that it takes Blizzard a lot of resources and a lot of time to do a banwave. In respect to mmoglider, they have to crack the current source code, then detail how it is getting around Warden and then work on a way to detect it. All of that takes valuable time and manpower. After they get this new anti-hack to work, I'm sure they test it in a controlled environment. The next step is too implement the new detection update and try to slip it through the cracks in either patch or a warden update. After this is all done they start to 'detect' players that hit there criteria then investigate them. If there test pool is overwhelmingly bots then they will get the list of accounts that have been detected then bam!..mass bann-age.
The mass bans happen in around 6 to 9 month increments, so if your going to bot; bot now!
Bot as much as you can and try to keep track of Blizzards banning cycles and you will have a better chance of avoiding the ban-hammer.

world of warcraft, wowhead, final fantasy 11, lich king

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Age of Conan | gameplay video

I just thought this was a neat Age of Conan gameplay video showing off some of the cool stuff in it. I only ever got to level 22 so I'm missing out on alot

Monday, June 23, 2008

Diablo 2 Ladder Reset

I've been playing on the Diablo 2 US East ladder since the Ladder reset on June 17. Wow I used to play the crap out of this game. Anyway, I remember what used to aggravate me about this game, and why I loved it so much.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | Huge ban wave May 20th

So I see there was a huge ban wave for both mmoglider and Innerspace yesterday. Several thousand accounts perished in the blaze. Is it a tradegy? Sure. Unexpected? No.
There's huge risks in botting just as in any form of gambling; you have to be prepared to lose it all.
One of the guys I work with lost his main account with 3 level 70 characters on it. Granted, I told him it was a bonehead move to use your main account to bot, but some people just don't want to pay the extra $15 per month for a second account.
After reading the mmoglider forums I see Merc is hard at work on a fix and suspects the bot to be back up and running on the 22nd. He'll fix it because he is very good at what he does. But it's an ongoing battle between Merc and Blizzard, and in the long run the rebels rarely beat the Empire(TM), but best of luck to him in the long run as he has made one hell of a program.
Keep on botting, the rewards well outweigh the risks if you play smart.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

World of Warcraft Gold Farming | Not As Bad As You Think

Gold farming and gold farmers really seems to be the bane of mmorpg's. I know that in Everquest gold farmers (but much of it was gold dupers) really brought the Everquest economy to its knees. Mudflation is so rampant on all EQ servers that it's to the point where you almost have to buy platinum in order to get anywhere.
One of the main complaints in World of Warcraft is that of cheap gold being sold by various (mostly Chinese) farmers on various websites. As with World of Warcraft Honor Bottingthe gold farmers face a similar backlash from normal players in that they are cheating and ruining the game economy. My argument is that this is not completely true.

world of warcraft cheap gold is not a serious issue

The reason that gold farming and selling is not a serious threat to the World of Warcraft economy is that after a certain point, gold isn't worth hardly anything to the average player. Take a look on Wowhead for any epic item that is ranked higher than 60 and you will see that they are either bind-on-pickup or in some way or the other not sell-able. Blizzard did this on purpose to keep World of Warcraft from plunging into a mudflation supermarket of buy-able gear on the auction house.
What if most items could be re-sold?
There's an Everquest server name Firiona Vie that has a special rule-set when it comes to equipment; almost of all of, regardless of where it's from or where it dropped, can be bought and resold to various characters on the server. This is great if you want to twink out a low level character (the stats do adjust accordingly per level) but it makes worthwhile items extremely expensive.
Imagine, for example, if you could buy a complete Tier 6 armor set on the auction house. The armor would be worth a small fortune since the vast majority of the server population would never be able to go in and get it themselves. Care to take a guess how much a 5-piece Tier 6 set would cost you? 3000 gold? 5000 gold? Who knows, but since you had to scrape to get your epic flying mount I'm willing to bet you would consider buying gold to get that armor. Check Wowhead to see if there's anything close to a full set of epic armor available on the auction house for a level 70. You wont find much, because most level 70 gear is not sellable.
If you look at the pricing history of epic weapons on the auction house you will see that the items are actually cheaper as the levels goes up considering how much more gold you earn once you enter the expansion.This is pretty important considering the game is it's 4th year. In conclusion, this really only allows gold farmers to have a market up until you get your epic mount, after that, the uses for cheap gold really is minimal.

World of Warcraft Accounts

I've only been botting in World of Warcraft for a couple years, but, I used to play manually and sell accounts on the side. It was not super easy, but it was the only thing I had to do since I was unemployed, in school full time, and didn't feel like doing much else at the time. In total, I've had 12 World of Warcraft accounts that I have created and sold.
So how easy it is to sell accounts? Blizzard makes it pretty easy. The basic formula for selling accounts, once you had a buyer, goes as follows:
  • get the money from the buyer first and there home address via PayPal. Get the payment from a verified PayPal account and send the buyer an email to the address of there PayPal account stating that what they are buying and how much. Make them respond to your email from that email address. This is important if the buyer tries to do a PayPal purchase reversal on you. If they do, you can forward a copy of the email to PayPal for proof of purchase since it will be difficult to prove the purchase was fraud if you have an email 'receipt' from the PayPal email address
  • once payment is received, email the user name, password, and Secret Question/Answer (if you have it). The buyer will then have to log into the account and submit a request to change the email address. The seller will receive the email confirming the change of email address, simply forward it to the buyer, or confirm it yourself if they haven't changed the password yet
  • once the address and password have been changed and you have the money, ship them something. I like to ship them one of the Warcraft installation CD's, but it doesn't matter. Ship them a receipt if you have to. This will also help with any PayPal reversals since you will have proof of shipping that you can submit to PayPal if you run into trouble. Remember to always cover your butt.
I forgot to mention; CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. This will remove your credit card information from the account and assure you your credit card will no longer be charged.

That's about all there is to selling your World of Warcraft account. Buying isn't much different, except you need to do the following;

  • after you purchase an account and have access to the character, your best bet would be to spend the money and buy a new account. Create the account using the name of the person of the account you bought (i.e Bob Jackson) and use your personal information for the rest of the required fields.
  • once you've created this new account, transfer the character you bought to the new account you just created (assuming the transfer is up).
This whole process will cost you an extra $50 or $60 depending on how much you buy a new blank account for. Why should you do this? In case the original owner pulls the account back (and it happens a lot) the character will be on your own account with your own login information. At that point, the only recourse the original owner would have would be to call Blizzard, but the only thing Blizzard would do is lock both accounts and require a fax proving who owns each account, and since you have all the login information for your new account you would simply have it reinstated.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Blizzard is now claiming that World of Warcraft bot author Michael Donnelly has made $2.8 million by selling his controversial Glider software, according to past motions filed in court and mirrored on GamePolitics.
Donnelly, the author of popular World of Warcraft bot Glider–a downloadable tool that automatically plays the massively multiplayer game for users–was sued by Blizzard in February of 2007.
Both sides have since been locked in a legal battle, with Blizzard claiming that Donnelly knowingly infringed on its copyright, in addition to breaking World of Warcraft’s End User License Agreement.
“Blizzard’s designs expectations are frustrated, and resources are allocated unevenly, when bots are introduced into the WoW universe, because bots spend far more time in-game than an ordinary player would and consume resources the entire time,” said Blizzard in a legal statement filed last week.
Donnelly claims that his program does not violate Blizzard’s copyright because it never makes a true copy of the game client.
“Blizzard permits its licensees to load the WoW game client software into RAM to play WoW. As such, BlizzardĂ‚?s licensees cannot violate BlizzardĂ‚?s exclusive rights under the Copyright Act to make copies simply by loading a copy of the program into RAM to play WoW,” reads one section of Donnelly’s retort.
The MMO Glider program sells for $25, with an optional $5 subscription available that provides additional functionality.
“We are fans of the game that want to try out a lot of different things,” reads a section of the MMO Glider website.
“Getting a bunch of characters to 70 is a pain. Getting gold to equip them is a pain. Doing big instances, Battlegrounds, raids, and generally socializing in the game is fun. We use the Glider to skip the painful parts and have more fun. Someone suggested we sell it, so..”
Hour upon hour of performing continual actions for no tangible move is rattling the sort of thing you’d expect a mechanism to do, but according to Blizzard, creator of World of Warcraft, it’s for humans and humans only.
The company is now suing one Michael Donnelly for designing and selling a tool that automatically performs many in-game actions, including grinding monsters for resources, while you go away and do something useful with your time. The program is called MMO Glider and Blizzard claims it infringes the company’s copyright and potentially damages the game.
From a player’s perspective, there’s rattling no two ways of looking at it - to allow the use of bots effectively nulls the point in having resources to harvest or any kind of levelling system. It’s unfair on those who are not using bots and who just want to have fun playing the game.
However, the fact that this has reached a legal battle that could end up in a courtroom, and that it’s a game as big as World of Warcraft, could have far achievement consequences for other future MMOs.
Mr Donnelly’s defence rests on the fact that he claims the tool does no infringe copyright, because it copies the game into RAM to avoid detection by anti-cheat software. Blizzard in turn argues that this infringes on the End User License Agreement.
Then of course there’s the fact that the bot maker is making money off the back of Blizzard’s game and is potentially spoiling it for other players. Unfortunately that will probably only earn a side note in the legal wranglings.
Blizzard isn’t exactly winning itself popular favour by stomping down with its large legal boot, but it may well be necessary. And if it gets to court, the outcome of the decision could set a precedent that will majorly affect the design of any future pretender to WoW’s throne.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot

World of Warcraft Honor Bot I haven’t played World of Warcraft in ages, but i do advert when i use to play Battlegrounds(BG’s) that the Horde use to have tons of people just farming for honor. Also advert spotting a couple of people just running the same route over and over from the spawn cave in …

Need to make some gold quick?


Using World of Warcraft Honor Bot to Steal Honor from the Battle Grounds A lot of people are using Honor Bots to steal Honor from the Battle Grounds. It’s a problem, and while most players who join are there to slice and dice the opposing factions, you can often find a few of these bots jumping in the corner or hanging out high …

Sunday, May 4, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | Warsong Gulch

I got done with a two day WSG bot session this weekend and it was not fun. The problem with botting Warsong Gulch is that the games take forever. Being Alliance on the Nightfall server means we lose 80% of the time, so it's usually 1 mark gained per battle.

My bot path for WSG is pretty simplistic. It starts at the zone-in when you appear in the game, walks to the graveyard, turns around and walks out through the center of the field to the far end (near the enemy fort), then he turns around and walks the path back. He engages in any confrontation along the way as well. Pretty basic

So, after 2 days of that (about 24 hours) I have 34 WSG marks. Blech. But it's still better then playing it manually.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot

Thursday, April 24, 2008

World of Warcraft | Cheats and Exploits

I've made several posts on this blog of various cheats and exploits for World of Warcraft and Lotro. Although I can admit that doing these kinds of cheats takes away from the fun of the game initially, I see no problem with doing them after you have gone over the content a dozen times. The most logical solution to being bored in a game would be to just quit. But what if you still want to hack away at the game and push it's limits? Well that's where cheating and exploiting come into play.
Sure its not for everybody, but for some people it's what they do. I want to post some links to any World of Warcraft cheaters out there for the best information sources when you're trying to game the system.

  • Wowhead - This is the best item database out for World of War Craft right now (The Armory would be better, but it's slow and is down half the time). If you need to find quest, item, or mob information, this is the place to go.
  • - If you've been reading this blog then you know about this site. While they are currently in a legal battle with Blizzard I don't know what there long term future looks like, but they have the best bot on the planet.
  • mmowned - this site has a good forum for checking out any cheats or exploits that you come across. Definitely worth taking a look at.
There you go, check them out, and don't forget to read my World of Warcraft Honor Bot guide posted on this blog for detailed information.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | lotro bot?

After having such success with the world of warcraft bot, I began to look around to see if there was a Lord of the Rings Online bot. The first thing I came across was this lotro bot but you had to sign up for the site first to get any more information. I then made my way over to a site called MMOViper which had a nice video up for a lotro bot. It looks promising but I dont have any firsthand experience with it.
If someone has used the program or has any reviews of the product they should drop a comment.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | MMOglider goes open source

Mercury posted over on the mmoglider forums that there World of Warcraft honor bot is now open source! You will still have to pay to use mmoglider (to connect to there database and whatnot) but you can now edit and compile the bot to see if you can make it any better.
This is good news if you want to make your 'own' World of War Craft bot, or you can monkey with it to see if you can get something to work for the upcoming Age of Conan. Who knows, but check it out.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | Using Wowhead for faster botting

If you decide to use the World of Warcraft Honor Bot and it's guide, you will find yourself being at an advantage if you use Wowhead, or some other similar item database, to decrease the amount of time it takes you to bot while leveling.
For those not familiar with Wowhead I'll give a quick primer. Wowhead is the premier World of War craft database for finding zone, item and character information. Wowhead is very fast, much faster then it's main competitor which is Blizzards
Amory. It is also a very popular database. It is rumored that Affinity Media, the previous parent company of gold selling giant IGE bought Wowhead for 1 million dollars.
The Wowhead database gets information from a plugin that World of Warcraft players install as a UI mod in there World of War craft directory. This mod uploads item, quest, zone and mob information back to Wowhead's database, which then categorizes the information. How this helps your botting is that you can use the database to determine the best zone you can utilize in order to get the most efficient botting level order you can find. If you're a tailor you will want to utilize the wowhead database in order to find the best tailoring path you can use so you will be a level 365 tailor when you turn 70.
All in all, the wowhead database is a must-use companion for any World of Warcraft player.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide

Sunday, April 20, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | Custom Classes

As I stated in my World of Warcraft Honor Bot guide, you will need to use customer classes in MMOglider in order to fight back, or initiate combat, with other players in PvP. An in order to use custom classes you need to subscribe to Glider Elite to be able to add custom classes.
To subscribe to Glider Elite is only $5 per month so it is well worth the cost. You use PayPal to pay for the service and you cancel the service through them as well.
As I also stated in the World of Warcraft Honor Bot guide, you can find a list of custom classes to use in the MMOglider forums. What I'd like to do is present a few of my recommendations.
  • Warlocks - I recommend using Picklock. It is the most stable custom class for Warlocks out there and is very modifiable.
  • Shamans - oobershaman. The guy that makes oobershaman makes a list of 'oober'-type custom classes for all of the World of Warcraft classes. Highly recommended
  • Warriors - Parrior. This is a good custom class but, like all custom classes, it has its bugs. Just set it up for basic combat and it works like a champ
Once you purchase MMOglider you will have access to there forums which has many guides on setting up the bot for custom classes. You will find lists and input of all the class templates available. As far as cheats and exploits go, mmoglider is he best bang for the buck in automating World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide

Thursday, April 17, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot | Confessions of a Botter

*September Update*
Since mmoglider has been offline for a few months now (with little chance of its return), I have been getting asked if there are any bot alternatives out there. The answer is not really. The other bots I have tested have maybe a fraction of the abilities of mmo glider, and none are nearly as user friendly. My advice if you want to start a new character is to create a second account using Blizzards 'Recruit-a-Friend' (RAF) system, grab Joana's guide and level 2 new characters at a time with RAF's triple experience. You'll get to 60 much faster then if you used a bot. After that, well, we're all still working on it.
I have been playing World of Warcraft since it was in late beta and I have played 3 characters to the level 60 level cap and a couple to the level 70 cap. I have played most of my characters to at least level 40 before I got burnt out on leveling them. I started to
World of Warcraft honor bot in June 2006 using WoWGlider (which has since been renamed mmoglider) to see if I could l get my 36 Shaman to the end cap any quicker. The bot didn’t level any quicker then I could play it, but since I could bot while I was at work it made a big difference. I had a bit of a learning curve to overcome at the start, especially with creating my own profiles for each class, but wow was it worth it. But is it worth it for everyone? No. If you just started playing the game, or are still leveling your first characters, it would be pointless to bot since you’re missing out on playing one of the best games ever made. Actually leveling your character, learning its traits, gaining levels and items gives you a great sense of personal satisfaction while playing the game; at least for the first five times you do it.
After you’ve made quite a few toons, or at least got one or two to max level, leveling another can start to feel like a job. Well, that’s were the bot comes in. I am far from the fastest botter in the world as there are professional botters out there that do it for a living at a breakneck pace, but by the time The Burning Crusade came out I was able to level a character from 1 to 60 in two weeks. Post TBC I can bot from 1 to 70 in about 3.5 weeks so as you can see the bot is a great power leveling technique. Sure, you could do it a lot quicker by actually playing, but that’s not the point of the bot. The point is to let the program do the leveling for you.
So is it safe? I’ve been banned three times, so no one can say it’s completely safe at all. That statement right there will scare away most people from ever trying to use the World of Warcraft bot. I’m not concerned with that because it doesn’t tell the whole story. I have had thirteen accounts since the game went live and I have made over $2000 botting casually. I know that’s not a huge amount of cash but botting for money was not my main goal; botting for the fun of it was. Incidentally, professional botters can make thousands of dollars per month if they know what they’re doing. Is it cheating? Yes. Is it against the spirit of the game? Probably. Am I hurting others by doing it? No. I don’t bot in quest areas and I don’t block content from live players. I also don’t bot with the intention of gold farming. I am well aware that not every botter approaches the game the same way I do, and I can understand why people like to turn in botters, but I don’t have any regrets in the past 2 years I have been doing it.
So the question is, would you use the World of Warcraft Honor bot? That’s your decision. To me it’s just a game, so I don’t worry about the endless ethical questions brought up by people concerned over the issue. Yes, it’s against Blizzards EULA and I know full well the consequences if I get caught. But it’s what I do for a hobby. I like to see what the bot can accomplish and how fast I can power level characters. If you don’t mind taking the risk, the bot can be well worth the rewards.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide

World of Warcraft Honor Bot - Alterac Valley

When you decide you are going to honor bot in World of Warcraft, I think it's best to start with a road map of exactly what you want to accomplish. For example, do you have really sub-par gear and wish to get yourself completely set in PvP purples? If so, plan on spending about 2 weeks farming honor for 16 to 20 hours per day.
Now I know that sounds like a lot, but if you think about it how long would it take you to get 12 or 13 epic pieces for your character by normal playing? Unless you're in a great guild that's going to keep pushing you through instances you can expect it to take three months at a minimum, more then likely six or more. Of course, the actual time it takes you to farm honor points is different then the amount of time it takes you to farm Marks of Honor.
That brings me to Alterac Valley. If you're sole intent is to just farm for honor points, stick with Alterac Valley at all times. Don't even bother with the other Battlegrounds even if it's there bonus weekend because the queues generally wont load as fast and the honor is only a real boost if your team wins. On any normal day my bots can average 1000 to 1500 honor per hour on the Nightfall Alliance Battlgroup. If I was Horde (who generally win all BG's more often) I could gain even more.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 2

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Guide Part 2

MMoglider Elite - You will need to subscribe to this service (available from the bot author) in order to honor bot effectively. One of the things this service allows us to do is use custom classes for the bot program. We need to use a custom class because the classes that come with mmoglider do not work for PvP. Now, technically you don't need this to honor grind, but you will bring attention to yourself if all you do is run around and never fight other players, or fight back. Custom classes are installed into a class folder and there are custom classes available for all classes. Some are better then others so you would need to read the forums to get recommendations. Custom classes, use, and installation are covered in great detail on the mmoglider forums.

Spartacus - This is a great program that is updated quite frequently. It’s purpose is two-fold. When you begin honor botting you will place your character near the battle-masters in whatever city you are located. Sparactus (and a component it uses called sspvp, which comes with it) will see what battleground you prefer to go to (which you set up using the program) and put you into queue for that battleground. When you are in the battleground, Spartacus will determine if you are alive or dead, and control mmoglider from there. The mmoglider program runs the pathing, fights, heals, etc based off how you set it up and Spartacus controls the rest. When the battleground has ended, Spartacus re-queues you for the next and starts the process again for as long as you want.

Profiles - Profiles, as I described earlier, controls the pathing of the bot and what it’s going to fight. For the most part you don't have to worry about these. The mmoglider forums has a list of profiles suitable for every battleground, some better then others. It has recently come to my attention that you can also purchase battleground profiles (I never have and I have no idea how good they are) from profilepacks.coms, among other places.

So what should you expect for honor gain if you do this? It will depend on how fast your battleground queues are, but you should expect anywhere from 15,000 to 20,000 per day if you run AV all day and most of the night (much more on AV honor bonus weekends). You get much less running the other battlegrounds, but you can still get around 30 AB, WSG, or EoTS marks per day with ease if you are looking to get battleground marks.

That’s all the components you will need to honor bot. It can seem a little overwhelming at first, but once you get a feel of how it works you will be glad you’re doing it. Like I said there’s a risk you can lose your account, no matter what anyone says, but the odds are small that it will happen and the amount of honor you gain from the world of warcraft honor bot will be enormous.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 1

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 1

This guide will tell you everything you need in order to honor bot in world of warcraft. Just to give you a quick background about me, I have been botting in World of Warcraft using mmoglider for the past 2 year and I have to say that as far as cheats or exploits go in World of War Craft, this system is the best. I have botted about 12 characters to the level cap and I have been banned 3 times. Twice I had been banned in a large ‘ban wave’ where Blizzard detected the software and banned several thousand accounts at once, and once I was banned after an investigation due to a report. Please note that there hasn't been a mass-ban on glider accounts since the bot company implemented a ‘safety trigger’ that will kill the program if it detects changes in Blizzards monitoring program. So anyways, that puts my personal odds of a 1-in-4 chance of being banned. That’s the bad news The good news is that I have never been banned while honor botting. I think the reason for this is because as long as your bot is out there fighting and running around it doesn't bring to much attention to itself. This is really evident in Alterac Valley where you have 40 people on your team. With that many people on a team no one is paying much attention to you unless you are a healer (even then you pretty much get left alone).
So what do you need to honor bot in World of Warcraft? As far as cost goes it wont be free, but it’s still pretty cheap for a WoW exploit. You will need to purchase a copy of mmoglider and subscribe to there elite service for the duration you wish to honor bot. That’s it for the paid programs, all the rest are free.

MMOglider purchase $25
MMOglider Elite subscription $5 per month
Sparatacus (honor botting add-on) free (this can be found in the mmoglider forums)
Honor Botting profiles (free, or make your own) (these can be found in the mmoglider forums)

Let’s take a look at these programs individually:
MMOglider - Most wow players have heard of this service as it is currently embroiled in a legal battle with Blizzard. There’s a good reason for that; this program is no joke. It is the most highly developed commercial bot program ever created for an MMO. Yes, it is cheating, and man does it do a good job of it. Even though I have been banned by the program three times it is still one of the best investments I have ever made. They could have charged $150 for this program and I would have bought it knowing how good it works. And no, I am not affiliated with them nor do I make a dime off them personally (although I have made close to two grand using it). When you purchase this program, you get access to the user forums that have a ton of instructions on it’s initial set up and use. This is how the bot basically works. You log into your WoW character then you run the bot executable (or vice-versa, it doesn't matter). After you initially configure the bot for what class you want to use and other variables (which is easily set up with there built-in help files) you load what's called a ‘profile’. The profile simply has a bunch of coordinates that tells the bot where to walk and what to fight if it comes across it. You can the set the bot up to do a bunch of other things if you want, like hearth to town and repair your equipment, buy more food, sell your items, skin, etc. But for the purpose of this article I wont get into any specifics.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 2