Tuesday, April 15, 2008

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 1

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 1

This guide will tell you everything you need in order to honor bot in world of warcraft. Just to give you a quick background about me, I have been botting in World of Warcraft using mmoglider for the past 2 year and I have to say that as far as cheats or exploits go in World of War Craft, this system is the best. I have botted about 12 characters to the level cap and I have been banned 3 times. Twice I had been banned in a large ‘ban wave’ where Blizzard detected the software and banned several thousand accounts at once, and once I was banned after an investigation due to a report. Please note that there hasn't been a mass-ban on glider accounts since the bot company implemented a ‘safety trigger’ that will kill the program if it detects changes in Blizzards monitoring program. So anyways, that puts my personal odds of a 1-in-4 chance of being banned. That’s the bad news The good news is that I have never been banned while honor botting. I think the reason for this is because as long as your bot is out there fighting and running around it doesn't bring to much attention to itself. This is really evident in Alterac Valley where you have 40 people on your team. With that many people on a team no one is paying much attention to you unless you are a healer (even then you pretty much get left alone).
So what do you need to honor bot in World of Warcraft? As far as cost goes it wont be free, but it’s still pretty cheap for a WoW exploit. You will need to purchase a copy of mmoglider and subscribe to there elite service for the duration you wish to honor bot. That’s it for the paid programs, all the rest are free.

MMOglider purchase $25
MMOglider Elite subscription $5 per month
Sparatacus (honor botting add-on) free (this can be found in the mmoglider forums)
Honor Botting profiles (free, or make your own) (these can be found in the mmoglider forums)

Let’s take a look at these programs individually:
MMOglider - Most wow players have heard of this service as it is currently embroiled in a legal battle with Blizzard. There’s a good reason for that; this program is no joke. It is the most highly developed commercial bot program ever created for an MMO. Yes, it is cheating, and man does it do a good job of it. Even though I have been banned by the program three times it is still one of the best investments I have ever made. They could have charged $150 for this program and I would have bought it knowing how good it works. And no, I am not affiliated with them nor do I make a dime off them personally (although I have made close to two grand using it). When you purchase this program, you get access to the user forums that have a ton of instructions on it’s initial set up and use. This is how the bot basically works. You log into your WoW character then you run the bot executable (or vice-versa, it doesn't matter). After you initially configure the bot for what class you want to use and other variables (which is easily set up with there built-in help files) you load what's called a ‘profile’. The profile simply has a bunch of coordinates that tells the bot where to walk and what to fight if it comes across it. You can the set the bot up to do a bunch of other things if you want, like hearth to town and repair your equipment, buy more food, sell your items, skin, etc. But for the purpose of this article I wont get into any specifics.

World of Warcraft Honor Bot Part 2

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